Saturday, December 08, 2007

Can you believe it will be 2008 in 23 days? It really blows my mind sometimes how fast time really does go by. When you are young the adults in your life tell you that but you really do not believe them because as a child you are waiting to be old enough to go to the movies alone, then your drivers licence then to drink (Legally), then the perfect job right out of college.

Then you reach a certain age, and you are wondering why your hips are bigger, you have to be in bed by 10pm because otherwise you will not look good in the morning. You wonder when you will retire and if you can afford it, to me I still feel sometimes as if I am in my early 20's just starting out in life. Due to the fact, I got married at 40 years old for the first and only time, my husband likes to say, " We are a young couple just trying to find our way in the world." That would be true if we got married at 25 or so, not 40 years old, you would think we are settled and now we are making room for each other in the whole picture.

Where did all the time go? What have I done with my life? So, when it becomes a new year, it is normal to look back and do a retrospective of your life and what is the next stage, or next adventure? Mine right now, is to get through my first Maine winter, and see where life leads me.

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