Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Another bad day of news, another husband/boyfriend has killed his family. Why? Last night, I was flipping through the channels and found WWF an a tribute to Chris Benoit, it was a nice tribute and I thought oh, how sad he died at only 40 years old, I wonder how he died.

This morning I turn on my FOX NEWS and what do I see, it might be a murder/suicide, that it looks like he killed his wife and son on Saturday night and himself either last Sunday or sometime on Monday. So, then my question is how did WWF get it together so quickly to do the tribute and why would you do it, so quickly if there are still unanswered questions? On the radio this morning 103.7 (charlotte) they were talking about it an find it disrespectful to the family of the wife. I understand he was you wrestler and you want to pay tribute but my gosh, think of the family.

Also, it said something about text messages that were strange and that WWF is the ones who contacted the police to check on the family, what were they will be ever know?

Is it me or does it seem there is alot of men killing their wives/girlfriends lately in very gruesome ways? The first case I remember is the Dr. Jeff McDonald case on February 17, 1970, according to Dr. McDonald a group of 4 hippies broke into his house and brutally murdered his wife, and children but himself only had superficial wounds. It was definitely, the time to say these things after the Tate/Bianci murders in California. Did he do it? We may never know, but the fact is why would someone brutally murder a woman an her children and not the husband?

Here is an article on a man killing his wife in a court room and look he gets off, because the judge feels that she must of provoked him in some way.

One answer to this question, for men at least, is to kill their wives and then appear before judges sympathetic to stories of provocation and frustrated love - or so the sentence handed down by Acting-Judge Hannon in the matter of S v Ramontoedi would imply.

Ratsapana Ramontoedi, a prison warder, shot and killed his wife Yvonne during a maintenance hearing at the Johannesburg courts. In the months leading up to her death, Ramontoedi had threatened Mrs Ramontoedi's life on a number of occasions and shot at her at least once. Not surprisingly, she had become very afraid of him - so much so that on the day of the shooting she obtained a police escort from Johannesburg Central Police Station to the courts. On the way Ramontoedi appeared and followed her, uttering verbal abuse and insults. Later during the hearing, when the prosecutor left the room, he shot her. He was subsequently sentenced to just three years correctional supervision.

On the facts of this matter, Ramontoedi appears a dangerous and threatening man who arrived at court, armed and aggressive, and killed his wife when the opportunity presented itself. How then did Acting-Judge Hannon justify this sentence, so extraordinary in its contempt for Mrs Ramontoedi's life?

Firstly, Hannon discounted both the previous threats to Mrs Ramontoedi and her fear of her husband. Instead he decided that "there must have been some provocation to have induced such a violent response from the accused." On what evidence Hannon reached this amazing conclusion we will never know. To quote Hannon again: "because of the accused's reluctance to tell the truth of exactly how the shooting of the deceased took place the court is in the dark as to what that provocation actually was and the degree of it."

Not to be deterred by this small matter of a lack of evidence to support his argument, Hannon went hunting for indications of provocation - and found it in Ramontoedi's allegation that his wife had had an affair with an elderly church pastor. Yet even Hannon seems confused about whether or not this alleged affair actually took place, sometimes referring to it in his judgement as a "fact" and then at other times as a "probability". It is also Hannon's assumption that this "affair" was a source of provocation to Ramontoedi; Ramontoedi certainly never put forward a plea of provocation in his defence.

Let us not forget OJ Simpson getting off killing his wife and Ron Goldman because who cares that she had already filed abuse charges that does not prove he would take it to the next level . It was a brutal crime wouldn't that signal someone emotionally involved? It seems lately there is case after case of a husband killing his wife, so I ask WHY??? Unfortunately, I truely believe if someone wants to kill you they will nothing is going to stop them not a restraining order, not even jail they will make sure someone else does it if need be.

It is just very sad to me, that woman in Ohio her poor son now has no father or mother for what his father is accused of doing. Or Lisa Stebic still have not found anything to do with her, Mary Bryne Smith a preachers wife who disappeared from a Religious Conference on March 24, we have not heard alot from this case but where is she? I am not accusing the husband of anything in this case, but people do not just disappear do they? According to some news reports on this case she might of left on her own accord to start a new life, well what would push her to that?

These cases are becoming more an more frequent an I would like to know why? Or they are the same as always but because of the media everything seems more..

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