Thursday, March 13, 2008

Reality Check time:

Big Brother 9 - James was evicted and then was brought back into the house. I think that stinks, that we all got to vote but then the Houseguests could vote, I would really have wanted Alex or Parker back in playing as singles. Jen and Allison need to get over themselves. I can not stand Sheila, she needs to go along with Matt. I think this group fights even more than Evil Dick from last season, at least his was to get into your head, these people just fight out in the open, they should of learned from Evil.

Top Chef 4: Yeah, my girl Stephanie from Stamford, CT pulled it out in front of Anthony Bourdain ( obnoxious) and Roscco DiSpirito as the guest judges. Is Roscco that cute in person, for some reason for all his faults and ego we saw on The Restaurant he is still cute and interesting to watch. I think I am going to like this season very much.

American Idol : David Hernandez left this week, is that because he worked in a strip club a few years back, or because he deserved to go? He never impressed me much anyway, I like Amanda Overmyer, she reminds me of Dilana from Rock Star, her voice is amazing and her look is not so cookie cutter, I can not wait to see how far she gets. Where is Dilana now? I know she was working on a CD.

I did not watch alot this week, next week on Monday, all my shows are "NEW", I am so excited to finally watch new shows. Thankfully the Writers Strike is over.

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