Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I was just reading my home paper in CT, the New London Day. The front story on the Region section was about the car accident that my friend Wayne LeCardo was killed in, this is the First line..."" THE DRIVER SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN DRIVING" . In CT you are not allowed to drive after 11pm if you are 16 years old and have had your licensce less than a year. Well Cameron Lee the driver received his license on Nov. 21, 2006. Why was he out at 1:30am? Where were his parents? My parents had a strict curfew when I was that age 11pm, and when I turned 17 midnight, and believe me, even without cellphones my mother was able to track me down at any time.

I am sad for all the families loss but what the H**L, why was he out with another 16 year old in his car an not a parent, guardian or anyone over the age of 16? I am also appalled by the day's handling of the story it is all about the 16year old, there were (2) other people killed in that accident, John Griese 52 years old and Wayne 33 years old, why is no one talking about them? Why is it, about Cameron's friends? Father? EXCUSE ME, John had two children an a wife, Wayne was married in 2005 to Katie, they were the perfect couple, they complimented each other. He was still really a newlywed, and I keep thinking what I would do, I have no idea no one does when something so unexpected happens.

I just want everyone to know not 1 person died in that accident 3 people died and everyone should get the same respect. I do not know if after the investigation if there will be blame but right now Eastern Connecticut needs some healing, everyone wants to believe their life means something so why not make sure all of their lives are celebrated?


Anonymous said...

Its a shame what happened to everyone involved, and any way you slice it its very very sad but DON'T YOU DARE ATTEMPT TO STICK THE BLAME ONTO THAT YOUNG BOY. Yes he broke the rules, but he was going to McDonalds for goodness sake, not a strip club. It disgusts me that you take such an argumentative stance; "Where are the parents?" I'll tell you. They were at every game, play, academic ceremony, birthday party... they were the best parents. I grew up with their daughter and they were ALWAYS there. But mistakes do happen, and you can't tell me that a child has NEVER snuck out of a house with really devoted parents. It unfortunately happens. I agree that everyone here deserves the same respect and the reason Cameron got the most exposure is because he was only 16, a baby. But don't add to the Lee's pain this way, regardless of how you feel, they were the best parents and it sickens me that people LIKE YOU can so easily toss them the blame.

Anonymous said...

I have known Wayne since I went to college with his sister and I cannot express how awful I feel! I agree with you, Paula - at 17 I had a curfew and the fear of God in me. I NEVER would have snuck out of the house. And for what?? McDonald's? Sadly, Cameron's father even noted to a reporter "I didn't even know he left the house."

I do understand the other commenter's grief, but there is no mistake here: this CHILD made a CHILDISH mistake and now three people have paid dearly with their lives for his studpidity, including himself.

It's awful all around, but let's face the fact of who was in the wrong. And I hope all of your friends back in CT. make sure that Wayne and Mr. Geise are rememembered properly.

Anonymous said...

Everything else aside from the comments above I think the point is that friends and family of both John and Wayne were very upset that the focus went to Cameron and not all three of them. I knew both John and Wayne and I was upset and offended that they were hardly mentioned in comparison to Cameron and in some articles they weren't mentioned at all. They were referred to as Foxwoods employees. They were so much more than just employees of a casino. They were part of the heart and sole of that casino and dedicated workers. They were loyal friends, loving husbands, and all around great guys. They were Wayne Lecardo and John Geise and they deserve the same respect and recognition regardless of their age. Cameron may have been young, but John and Wayne still had their whole lives ahead of them too. John had a wife Jennifer who is now a widow and two young children that will grow up without their father. Wayne had just begun his life with his wife Kate and they never even got the chance to start a family. Don’t get me wrong as I know how hard it is to bury a friend at a young age and can’t imagine what it is like burying your child, but we are burying friends as well. John and Wayne’s families are also burying loved ones. Kate and Jennifer are burying their husbands and John’s children are burying their father. Don’t you think that they deserve an article too? I have my opinions about the whole thing and mistakes were definitely made but regardless of what myself or anyone else may think Wayne Lecardo, John Geise, and Cameron Lee were all taken from their friends and families well before their time. As friends of John and Wayne we just want to see all three victims of this tragedy remembered not just one.

Anonymous said...

I don't know the identities of those who have chosen to write their thoughts.. but... I am a family member of one of the victims and want to thank them for putting their hearts in place.. despite the press. All three have gone before their time. We can only remember the light that each of them has shed. Pass on the light.

Anonymous said...

That "poor young boy" Cameron Lee had a blood alcohol level of .12, .08 being too intoxicated to drive. He too was a victim, but of parental neglect. It was tragic yes, but it was also not necessary. To the second commentator witht he accusatory/ thgreatening tone: None of them need be dead if Cameron hadn't been drunk- it wasn't an innocent trip to McDonald's as you portray. He shouldn't have been driving and he shouldn't have neeb drinking and DEFINETELY not both. Going to games is great, but it doesn't make a good parent on its own. Sorry for your loss, but yours caused mine, toots.

Anonymous said...

I knew all three parties involved and I agree with the previuous poster 100%. The facts are 3 people are dead before their times and one party is obviously much more negligent than the other two. Therefore, making them responsible. I don't want to do this, but you cannot let bygones be bygones as that "poor young boy" and his actions that night caused what happened to both Wayne & John. If he was drunk, it makes it far more inexcusable. You can not sugarcoat this nor sweep it under a rug. The families deserve much better. If both Katie & Jen now only have 50% of the income coming in the house they opnce had and Jen's 2 younf and wonderful children will not have the same ability to go to college now. I would like to just let this go away, but you can't, those who have not died, yet are seriously hindred in their daily life, deserve much more that that; they deserve justice, from a court system, not from above.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Cameron, making the biggest mistake of his life that night, ended up with the luckiest death of all. He died with Wayne and John. That is the only thing his parents have to be grateful for. To know that those young men, took the hand of their child, and showed him the way. And just wondering, have they ever contacted the widows from Cameron's unlawful McDonalds run? A call? A card? Any form of "I'm sorry"? Doubtful.