Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Day 6 of working out. This program is good, because it does keep you motivated, but the last two mornings have been a struggle to get out of the bed in the dark and work out and then go to work. I have had to be at work early the last 2 mornings but was not going to miss my workout.
I am trying to keep myself motivated, and the biggest factor vain as it is, SUMMERTIME!! Bathing suit season.. would it be nice to not feel compeletly like a beached whale when I go to the beach? Anyone else have a motivator? I also believe until you are ready to lose the weight you are not going to get off the couch, those infommericals think if they keep pounding it into your head you will buy their product. Everyone has their own pace and you will know when it is time.

Right now, for me I get so embarrassed seeing my sisters so thin, older than myself and have had 2 children each. So every morning I have a picture of myself thin and on the beach, hopefully it will substain me for awhile, 6am comes way to early some mornings....

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