Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Day 7, lost 3 pounds so far, today was 45 minutes of Cardio. Luckily, it is just my husband and I because I am so uncoordinated, I am sure if anyone is looking into our windows in the morning they feel bad for him, I look like someone having a fit or something.

My arms and abs hurt so bad, I know once I can actually see the difference I will feel more motivated and excited, it is getting easier to wake up in the morning especially with not drinking a glass of wine every night. My mind is clearer and it is no problem, but I have been more hungry, I am very careful about what I eat these days.

Who watched the new one last night? It was really good, I can not wait until next week did you see the preview and Lorelai's face when he asked if she still loved Luke. YEAH!! It is about time they worked the Triangle into play again. Where was Paris this episode? Boy Lane is huge TWINS !! Zack has been so great to her, I love this show. I hate that they take so long to bring a new episode on, definately worth it. QUESTION do you think Chris told Lorelai about the fight with Luke? That was not even mentioned and she wrote that letter which I can not wait to hear what it says.

Tonight is Beauty and the Geek another one of my favorite shows. I will admit unfortunately, I have been sneaking around watching, "I LOVE NY" on VH1 it is a train wreck waiting to happen.

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