Friday, January 05, 2007

Tonight is my company Holiday Gala, yes in January but since we are a Hotel, we have to do it after the Christmas Parties, which actually works out fine for us, something to look forward to in January. It will be my first real party since we have moved to North Carolina in September 2005, looking forward to seeing how it flows. Luckily, we are having it here, so we will not be judging another hotel because being in the business seems to make us more critical of other venues and how we do compared to them.

I of course am way to heavy to wear my cute clothes so I will wear black pants, cute shoes and I low cut shirt to throw people away from my hips and a**. I heard one of the 25 years old in my office the other day, saying if you can get a size 5 over your thighs no matter how tight anywhere else and a boob shirt will make you feel better about yourself. First off, I have not seen a size 5 since my 1st year of college many moons ago, an even then if they were tight I would not wear them. Have times changed that much or just people's sense of what constitutes cute, sexy and down right bad taste? I find myself remembering the 80's ( my heyday) an how everything was big shoulders, bulky and supposely flattering. Do you remember?

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