Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Do not look, it is up to each person who is into these books to read it without knowing the outcome. We have waited so long for the last book, so why would you ruin it before you actually read it. DONT GO TO THE WEBSIGHTS..

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," the seventh and presumably last novel in the J.K. Rowling series, has hit the Internet. A purloined copy of the book was photographed and put on peer-to-peer file share networks. The pages are apparently legible enough to determine which characters live and die.

Of course, this is outrageous. "Potter" fans waiting for Saturday's release don't want to know the outcome of their faves before they have read every single last page in order. There will be those who read the last chapter first, of course, and then try to spoil the fun.

Personally, I don't have much emotion invested in this. Harry is nice enough. If he dies, it will be sad, but I doubt he meets his maker. Harry Potter is a hero, and J.K. Rowling is young enough that she may want to write another installment somewhere down the road. Also, there are two more movies still to be made. A dead Harry would take the air out of more films.

So, yes, my guess is Harry and his pals all live, while the villains come to grisly ends. Rowling said she cried writing the last chapters, but I'm sure it was because she has an emotional — if not financial attachment — even to the villains. Voldemort is as much one of her children as Hermione.

So, close your ears and eyes. Stay away from sites where "Potter" info is available. If you don't, I'll be forced to tell you what happens to Anna Karenina once you are halfway through that book.

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