Tuesday, November 11, 2008

This was a letter I received from the email. I liked it so I am passing it along on my blog.

Open Letter to the Editor

Well we finally have a man of color as President of the United States. Although I did not vote for Mr. Obama, I am proud that a man of color (as I am one myself) finally proved that people of color could achieve anything they set their mind to. He is living proof that if you work hard, follow the rules, get a good education, and do not allow your color to hold you back, you can be whatever you want in life. I did not vote for Mr. Obama because I choose to pick my President based on the issues. I disagree with his ideology, however, that does not mean that I am not proud of his accomplishments. My son also ran for office and the issues and lost. While helping him with is campaign, I talked to hundreds of people maybe thousands. Many blacks were voting for Mr. Obama because he was black and they felt it was time a “brother got a break”. When pressed about the issues most did not seem to care or know. To back that opinion up I have heard comments and received emails throughout the day that I must be very proud of finally having a black president. It seems that there were many white voters selecting him because of his color also. Many of my friends and relatives said that it is about time for a black President regardless of the issues. It is a pretty sad reason for selecting someone to govern this country. To be fair, there just as many that believe in his ideology and that he is the capable of leading us out of the mess this country is in economically. Personally, I believe that only we can lead us out of this mess because we are the “economy”. That is what makes us so great. We the people run this country through the leaders we choose.

Mr. Obama should thank God and the late Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, Mum Bett, Denmark Vesey, Dred Scott, John Brown, Abraham Lincoln, W.E.B. Dubois, Hiram Revels, and the black solders of the civil war and others that have given their lives so that he (or any black man or black woman) could someday become the President of this great country. Although all were essential in our black history, Dr. Martin Luther Kings leadership may have been the most important figure. We now have the right to ride in the front or rear of the bus, drink out of the same fountains, shop in the same stores, live in the same neighborhoods, go to the same schools, etc, etc, etc. For 40+ years we have had those rights and many others. Racism is still evident today even though laws were passed to punish those who practice them. Much like murder, robbery, rap, etc all of which are illegal, those crimes also committed everyday. Mr. Obama overcame the bigotry, the prejudice, the injustice and the hatred and he did it WITHOUT a black president.

What is sad to me in all of this is that these freedoms and opportunities have been here for all of us, however many of us choose to ignore them. Why is it that some have chosen to take advantage and some have not? Why is it that some succeed and some do not? What is in our make up or soul that makes us who we are? We all have the opportunity to attend school and college. What is disturbing in all of this is that in this great victory for Mr. Obama we as a race have chosen to ignore our ancestors who were hanged, shot, maimed, tortured or killed. We seemed to have squandered over time opportunities and rights we gained while waiting for one man to show us the light. Mr. Obama's opportunities have also been our opportunities. Why is it that, we needed this one man, who took advantage of the labors of our ancestors, to validate us as citizens of this great country? We call ourselves the “N” word, our women are Bitches or Ho's, we kill each other over drugs or territory. We refuse to assimilate into the American culture afraid that we will loose our own. We have already lost our own. People have died to give us what we have today - an opportunity. An opportunity to succeed or fail, but at least an opportunity to try, something that they our ancestors were never given. Know we vote for people because we still feel the need to be taken care of. We feel as though this country owes us something for the wrongs of the past. I say we owe our ancestors for the sacrifices they have made. Our fathers, uncles and cousins fought in wars to preserve the American way of life. They felt like it was worth fighting for yet we do not think it is worth living for. How have we shown them our appreciation When are we as people of the American Dream start to realize that we are part of it and we need to start taking advantage of what this country has to offer. I have always been proud of this country. It has not always been the best country in the world but it is second to none today. In our short history we have overcome things that some countries are still dealing with today. White and black, men and women died so that I could enjoy life today. I show my appreciation by trying to give back and be the best American I can be. All they asked of us was to remember the sacrifices they made and do better for those that follow.

I feel bad for Mr. Obama because we (Blacks) have put a heavy burden on him. Our expectations of him although, unfair are no different when any other president has been in office. Somehow many of us believe that he will somehow show up at our homes and help our kids with their homework, attend PTA meetings, go to open house and teachers conferences. He will be there when our kids need to be disciplined for bad behavior or support them make bad decisions or need guidance in life. We have put a great deal of responsibility in his hands as we have done with every president or elected official in the past.

The question is what happens when he does not show up for these meetings, or help with the homework, or discipline when required and advise and guide when asked When did we abdicate the responsibility of raising our kids and insuring their welfare to one man When are we going to finally take responsibility. Well we just did. The election of Mr. Obama leaves us with no more excuses. For all of those people of color that are thrilled that a man of color is president, what are you going to do to help him? What sacrifices are you willing to make so that the world won't look at America and say well nothing has changed, they (People of Color) are still blaming the government and they have a Black President. Are you ready to walk the walk? You have proven that you can talk the talk. I expect to see an increase in participation by Blacks, at PTA/PTSA meetings, teacher’s conferences, Board of Education meetings and any other school function. After all, you show up for the sporting events that our kids participate in. We know that our kids can achieve great things in sports and we never hesitate to support them. Now you know that they can achieve great things outside the sports world. Will you support them? Your child could be the next president of the USA.

You put this man in office so what are you going to do to help him The problem is that the people that really need to read this won't and the people that do read this will take offense and make excuses. When will we accept the responsibility and opportunities that our ancestors fought and died for? We will no longer be able to hide behind the lies of prejudice. We can no longer use the excuse “It’s because I am Black”. Will you allow Mr. Obama's presidency to go by with no attempt to follow his lead. This is not just a matter of helping your child but reaching out to those less fortunate than you. Government will never fix what only we as parents can fix ourselves. I saw many black families bring their kids to the voting booth with them. These are our sons and our daughters. There to witness an historic event. But what will it mean in 4 years if we as a race have done no better for our kids then let them witness that event. When Dr. King was killed we went to the schools and the colleges that were once only populated by white kids. No in predominately black schools across the country many are failing. Whose fault is that? Dr King and others got us the right and opportunity to attend and what have we done with his sacrifice. Each and every one of them represents all blacks. If you don't believe that, just consider the burden that we have put on Mr. Obama. He represents us because we put him there. We gave him the opportunity to serve this great country. He can not fix our lives through legislation. He can not force an employer to hire your child if they are not qualified or prepared. What are we doing to insure that our kids get those same opportunities? Three hots and a cot is not parenting. Blaming someone else is not the answer. If Mr. Obama is going to succeed, then we need to support him with more than just votes. We need to support him in our homes and neighborhoods with deeds and action. Here is our opportunity to show the world and ourselves that we no longer need to be taken care of. We do not need hand outs. We can stand on or own without government or the President shouldering load for or lives. We can and should be responsible for our lives and our children's lives. If you have kids help them. If you don't then help someone in need. Government and money is not the answer. Caring people are the answer. We can no longer use the excuse “it is time” for selecting a black man as President. Next time we should ALL know the issues and what is at stake in our vote. What are you going to do next? All great presidents had the cooperation and help of the people. If you expect him to be great and if another (person of color) is to get a chance then what are you going to do? You are out of excuses.


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