Wednesday, March 28, 2007

0I have been a bit lax this week in posting. Last week, was a blue week for me, and could not motivate myself to do anything not even work out. This week, I have been working out like crazy an tonight twice. Reason you may ask? 25th class reunion, how silly am I that I still care after all these years what the "CLICHE" might say about me.

Do we ever out grow wanting approval an respect from our peers? Why do we all get anxiety when it comes to going back to where we grew up? I maybe in the minority but I like to think that is not true. Also, my 20th is still fresh in my mind and myself and Kelly the other outsider sitting at the bar at the end of the evening and the "cool kids" still in the know with each other. Ironically, Kelly an I got out, neither of us even lives in the same state, when most of the people that were so "cool" still live in CT and alot in Norwich can you believe it? The really cool kids who do not go to the reunions have all moved on, I would love to see so many of them it would be extremely fun.

My husband's 20th is this year and he has no desire to go back and see those people. It is so different from myself, granted I am very nosey and want to know how people turned out and what they are doing with their lives. Anyone out there in Blogger land going to their Class Reunion this year and how do you feel about it? Are you looking for maybe your lost love? If the prom queen got fat? Did the cutest guy in school who never talked to you fall apart after high school? Mostly, I want to know if the "CLICHE" is still making people feel lower than themselves to make them feel better, or did they "peak" in high school an everything else has been a big disappointmet to them?

At my 20th I was still single, and never married, when there were a few on their 2nd marriage, newly divorced and trying to get L***, or came out. It will be quite interesting to me, I do love to think what makes people tick.. I will keep you updated.. It is 2 months away but already on my mind.

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