Thursday, February 07, 2008

Watch out "Big Brother" is watching. For anyone over the age of 35 should know what this means. The Book 1984.

When I was in high school my freshman year, we were required to read this book, and the year was 1979, so it was coming up quickly. Now, obviously, none of his predictions came true as of 1984, but now Big Brother is watching.

Everyone has a cellphone was a camera, so whenever you do something it will be on YouTube within the hour and everyone can see what stupid thing you have done. It is instant, same with recording, example the Wife of the Administrator who called the kid back, have we not heard enough about her comments. Alec Baldwin leaving awful messages for his daughter, can you believe his ex-wife would leak those to the press? Shocker right? As if their divorce was so quiet and dignified?

Everyone should worry about someone filming or recording them, now a days any indescretion will be on line within and hour and try to get out of it with pictures and audio.

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