Thursday, February 14, 2008


BIG BROTHER 9: What the heck did Jacob say, that got him and Sharon kicked out? It so should of been Sheila and Adam, which they obviously understood because they worked and cheered each other in the HOH contest. Who will Matt and ?? put up?
Ryan and Jen should never of told Allison, she likes Ryan and was hoping on a connection and to find out your SOUL MATE, is actually part of a couple. Women are not good when they feel rejected, watch out Jen and Ryan. I am sure everyone will know soon enough and that will bring fireworks, since my couple who could of supplied good tv are out.

PROJECT RUNWAY: I am so happy for Jillian and Christian, even though he is a young arrogant guy, his clothes are amazing. It will be interesting to see who comes through Rami or Chris, I love, LOVE Chris. His clothes, over the top and personality has been so much fun to watch especially on a guy who was let go and came back YEAH!!

ROCK OF LOVE 2: What the heck was with Audrea? Giving up her slot, which never was hers in the first place, you cornered him as if your in a relationship already, and Kristy Jo, you are as frail as last seasons Sam.

I know I am not suppose to watch but seriously, what else is on TV?

1 comment:

David Dust said...

Christian will probably win - but Chris is my favorite.

Click here for DavidDust's Project Runway recap.