Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Super Tuesday, was yesterday. It looks like McCain will get the Republican Nomination, the Democratic Nomination still looks like a fight between Clinton and Obama. I do not really believe in anything McCain says, so it looks like I am going to have to look at the Democrats and see which one, I believe in most. Quite the problem, since I have been a registered Republican since 1982, can you just believe it?

In the midst of the big Politics yesterday, there was a Tornado in TN which killed 48 people, my heart goes out to everyone affected by this natural disaster. Up here in Maine it is snowing yet again, I am to go to a Wine Tasting this afternoon, and my husband was worried they would cancel it due to snow, you are now in Maine nothing gets cancelled unless it is really bad.

Monday was 40' and up, felt like Spring was upon us, FOOLIN US Obviously, since we are to get snow right through the weekend. My husband has gotten a new position, and has to go to Boston for training next week, hopefully,the snow will let up so he can get down there and back safely. We will not see each other on Valentine's Day, it is going to feel like when I was single and sitting in my house watching chick flicks.

I was not really that pathetic, I would go out with my friends for dinner, and we always seemed to have a bit more fun then the couples sitting there trying to look romantic and having a boring time. Up here in Maine, knowing no one, it would be hard to arrange that in the middle of the week. What are you planning for Valentine's Day?

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