Thursday, December 21, 2006

We leave today to go back to Connecticut for the holidays, I was hoping for a "White Christmas", but according to the weather it is going to be in the 50's up there so not this year. My husband thinks it is funny, I want snow when we lived there I hated snow. Yes and no, I love a good Christmas Snow, but not the January/February snow when you are digging out your car every day before work. I want a Christmas movie christmas, I know that will not happen, but one can always dream.

My Christmas Movie, would start with us leaving home, and singing christmas carols an through the ride, as we go farther north, it will start to snow and be just beautiful and we will laugh and think how wonderful this time of year is, the reality Stephen will sleep for the first few hours, we will stop at a truck stop an eat crappy an then he will begin driving and I will sleep then around 3am, we will both be so giddy and stupid from lack of sleep we will either start fighting or have tension in the car until we get into CT. Don't you just love long road trips? One of our long trips we made up a song to the theme of Frosty the Snowman an it was not Christmas time, by the time we got to the hotel at 5am, we were so exhausted everything was funny to us, not to the hotel staff.

Movie: We would arrive take a nap and be up an ready to go visiting. Reality, I will be moody as hell and try to be cheery meeting an seeing everyone. Movies are nice because you can cut and rest, in reality it will be world wind of activities for the next 4 days. To be honest I would not have it any other way.

Merry Christmas, have a safe time wherever you may travel.

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