Monday, December 11, 2006

This weekend, ever time I left work I felt like skipping down the hill, have you ever felt that way? I had a great week at work productive and I actually am beginning to understand what my job is and what the expectations are, finally after almost 3 months in this new position. My home life is in a good upswing, Stephen and I have finally agreed to start excerising (which to be honest, he never had a problem with, it was me dragging), I have seen way too many pictures of myself fat to not realize I need to lose weight. Especially, after my mom thinking she was helping told me I need gastric bypass surgery, I may be heavy but not ready for that, but if I keep at my rate I am going oh yeah!!

So, when I was thinking of skipping this weekend, I tried to think what people would think when they drove by and saw me, oh look at that fat woman does she think she is exercising? Or that old woman should really act her age.. I did skip and I didn't care, my mood hard to describe was up to skipping. I hope everyone has a day, they feel like skipping, throw caution to the wind and do it. You will feel like you were little all over again, I laughed so hard at myself and enjoyed it throughly.. So, if you feel skip, or yell, or whatever makes you happy, who cares what the world thinks because in my heart and mind I will always be that little girl who loves to skip....

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