Tuesday, November 07, 2006

It is Election day did you vote? My husband set the alarm early so we could vote before work, I think he was worried I would not vote unless he was with me. (most likely correct).

Anyway, we made friends, with another couple. We met up on Friday night for drinks and ended up eating too. It was so much fun, they were so much like us, it kind of was scary. We were so excited that another couple would want to be friends with us, not that we aren't nice people, its just we are so new to the area and it seems the older you get the harder it is to make friends.

Do you remember when you were in grade school, and it was easy to have a friend? Or your mom made you be friends? It was also easy to make enemies depending on where you stood on the social ranking, which in grammar school I was on the bottom rung, Junior high a little higher not much and by High School, I knew how to play the game and pick an choose which "click" to belong too. I think when you are growing up we are programmed to play the game and learn how to work what we have or don't have to our own advantage. So if you think about it we learn about politics from an early age.

Think about it, did you put yourself out to embrace the "new" kid? the nerd? the shy one? Who were you the bully, leader or follower? Or were you like me, I just wanted to blend into my surroundings I didn't put myself out there, not that it helped. I was still picked on by the more secure girls, for anything and everything. I made the mistake of becoming friends with one girl and when I told her my deepest secrets (11years old), not so big or deep now anyone she told the bully and I was tormented for the next year, until someone new screwed up to be made fun of and take the heat off of me.

Life is tough, but I believe if you can make it through school without psychological problems you are better off then many.

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