Thursday, August 09, 2007

Yeah, I feel bad for Kail going on Big Brother 8 but am so glad Eric is left. Now, who do I want out of the Big Brother 8 house? Amber (explained below) and Dick, because I want to see if Danielle can stand on her own two feet without her 'DADDY" or her boy toy, "NICK" especially since she is a child herself.

You supposedly, have a "boyfriend" who you live with was your "stuff" with Nick just a game or are you so fickle that a cute boy can change how you feel about your boyfriend?

Evil or Dick whatever he is called, is my age an he plays the game all men at that age play, that you are inferior an he is better than you, realize most of the time they are just as f**** up as the rest of us. He just hides it better than women.If Danielle was not in the game I think watching Dick an his mind games would of been quite interesting to watch. Being "43" I like watching him play the game an so many of people in the house falling for it, he is putting it out there an since most are in their 20's they do not appreciate as much as I do watching him.

See Below why I want Amber Gone, Dustin should watch out, how far are the gays behind the Jews? Being a Fag Hag from way back, just a thought.

FOX NEWS, Tuesday, August 7, 2007

But two nights ago on CBS' overnight feed on Showtime Networks, a player named Amber Siyavus Tomcavage stirred things up. The 27-year-old Las Vegas cocktail waitress must have forgotten that the cameras were on when she — under her breath — had a long discourse with housemate Jameka about "the Jews." Her mother must be so proud.

The essence of Amber's complaint? That Jews she has met are "bad" people, and you could tell them by either their noses or their names.

Jameka, who professes to be a Christian, made no reaction to Amber's declaration. None of the footage has been shown on CBS' broadcast so far, but it's all over the Internet.

Amber's exact statement: "The majority of people I know from New York are Jewish, and the majority of Jewish people I know, my gosh, so many are so selfish. So weird. Even my sister always tells me, she's like my sister, and my mom will meet someone and I'll be like, 'I don't like that person. That person doesn't seem like a very good person to me,' and my mom and sister are like, 'You know why?' Why? 'They're Jewish.' How do you know? 'Amber you can tell by their last name, you can tell by their nose.' I'm like, 'Really?'"

There is at least one Jewish player in the house, Eric Stein, also 27, of New York. Stein was made "America's Player" when the game began — a secret unbeknownst to the other players — and should win barring any surprises. His main quality has been that he is the least offensive of the group.

And what a group they have been. There's a 44-year-old father who looks like Tommy Lee. His pretty, blond, undernourished 20-year-old estranged daughter is in the house as well. She had a thing with a 25-year-old hunky failed football player (since evicted) who also flirted with the other men and talked about having gay sex.

Only one half of another gay couple is left. They were actually former lovers, but not before we learned the now-evicted one gave the other an STD.

Is this America? No. These are people whose lives are so pathetic and desperate that they want to be on TV 24 hours a day.

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