Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Day 34 - Today, I have a phone interview in 10 minutes and I am so nervous. The position is for a traveling Sales Manager, where you go to hotels while they are looking for replacement and start selling the day you arrive, no training, basically learning as you go.

The good thing is it would not matter where we live, as long as close to a airport. I am not sure it would be a good fit, but it gives me practice in interviewing, even though they can not see me I did put on a suit, so I feel like I am interviewing properly, silly really but it works for me. My confidence has plummeted so low, being without work is making me feel even worse about myself. Then the self doubt am I thinking to highly of myself by applying for Director positions? Even though I have been in the business for over 10 years, am I qualified? Yes, I do know that, but my resume does not reflect it, how do you put that down on paper that the last 3 jobs, I have known more than my direct boss? You do not want to sound petty or overly confidant.

I met up with my old assistant from the last job and my associate who left a week before I was laid off, and they are both doing so well, and I got the gossip that they are offering my position part time to the old F&B director, yes it is not at the same salary and it is only p/t but why not call me back? We are finishing our packing today, and will load the truck tomorrow and be out of here by 11am on Friday. Once everything is in storage then what we have in the car is all we are going to have the whole trip. The husband is attempting to load the car now to make sure we have room for everything I think his books are going to have to go into storage but did not want to tell him that.

Well time to go my interview is about to begin.

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