Saturday, May 03, 2008

It is now the third day of being on my own here in Maine. Luckily, I worked on Thursday, Friday and today, but it is hard being at home alone. I have been eating Chicken and Pasta every night, mostly because it is all I know how to cook. The resort opened for our first group of the season on Friday and then on Monday, open to the public.

It is wonderful to come to work and see all these people around, golf carts zooming around, everyone in the lobby it is so exciting to me. I had two site visits today for weddings, neither was the bride it was parents of the bride, due to the bride is out of state right now. For me, it is harder sometimes to deal with the parents, because yes they want everything for their little girl, but also because to them it is an expense.

I talked to my husband and the SOBC conference is going wonderful, he is networking and learning how to improve his blog. He is so excited, part of me is jealous while the other part of me, knows if I was there, I would not be having as much fun, because yes, I love to post on my blog, but is not for a business it is just to get my own thoughts out into the world and a lot of times it is just my own ranting and ravings.

Lately, I have been watching the news on the huge fires taking place in CA, the one in my hometown of Norwich, a huge apartment fire that displaced 150 people. I wonder if they had rental insurance, fire protection, when you lose everything how do you start over? We have all heard about Feng Shei and purging of material things, everything should be scaled back, does this count? Do you really have a choice? Would those boxes in my basement that I have not unpacked, how bad would it effect me if they were suddenly gone? If I didn’t have the option anymore?

My biggest fear is fire, always has been. When I was a bartender and at the end of my shift, I would empty all the ashtrays ( yes, at the time people could smoke inside),and then dumb water in the garbage can to make sure nothing was lit. I would triple check everything in the kitchen to make sure every flame is out and nothing I could of done, could cause a fire. I have never been in a fire, and no place I have ever worked has gone up in flames.

Even today, I always double and triple check before I leave anyplace. Yesterday, I was going to leave my dryer on while I came to work, but I ended up turning the car around, because I read somewhere never leave a dryer working when you leave the house. I have been burned by a cigarette or match at one time or another in my life and that was painful, so if it was a full-blown fire how much pain would it cause?

I think, or believe I can handle anything life deals me, but I am not so sure when it comes to fire, what is your biggest fear?

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