Monday, April 16, 2007

What is going on the world? I have just been watching the news from Virginia Tech, where today 21 people were gunned down, 1 in their dorm an the others in a classroom. The shooter brings it up to 22 people dead, they are not sure if he took his own life or if the police shot him, my question is why? Which we may never know, my other question is where was he for the two hours between the first shooting at 7:15am an the next shootings around 9am?

Is he a student or someone angry at the college? I did a bit of research this morning due to the comparisons to 1966, I admit I was 2 years old and do not remember it, I have heard people make comments about' Going up to the Watchtower" in movies and on TV but really did not understand until today.

Charles Whitman August 1, 1966 killed 15 people that day wounding 31, after his autopsy they said he had Cancer did that cause his craziness? Why kill innocent people?

Columbine we all remember April 20, 1999 don't we? May 4, 1970 Kent State, a protest gone awry, Dawson College in Ohio?

How do people get these guns to shoot innocent people for their own sick pleasure? My heart goes out to the family and friends of todays terrible tragedy at Virginia Tech, was there any way to avoid this?

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