Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Work has gotten in the way of my life:

My husband is working 60 hours each week, and myself between 50-60 hours, and they are different shifts, they overlap a little so we get to see each other, but we have not been able except last weekend to spend anytime together. Last Weekend, we went to Lake Winnipeasukee with 30 other people, so lets say, we were busy, but not just us.

Work is making it hard for us to find time for each other, we have always been very dillegent about finding time for just us, in North Carolina, even with him working nights and myself days, we found at least (1) Full day just us.. We have 3 more months, our house is desperately in need of cleaning, the only thing we do daily is laundry, other than that our house looks like someone has dropped a bomb in it.

When we get home, we are both so tired, we put it off and put it off, and now it is crisis point, his mom is coming in 4 weeks and that will motivate us, but in the mean time we need to do something for the house..We have no groceries, so we are living on Hotdogs and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, we eat at work for lunch so it is whatever they prepare, which is good or we would have no variety in our diets. My husband has not cooked a meal in 2 weeks due to our schedule, who feels like cooking ( or eating) at 9pm after working all day waiting on people?

Next week, starts one of my h*** weeks, my 1st high maintence Mother of Bride checks in on Monday and the wedding is not until Saturday YUKO!! Then I have a little break, and my next high maintence Mother of Bride checks in on Wednesday, August 27 and the wedding is Sunday, August 31..Luckily both of these women have a Wedding Planner, but it will be a stressful time for me, so again my husband and I will have no "us" time. I know I am complaining and it is only for another 3 months before the resort closes, but I do wonder if our relationship can survive? It may have a few dents in it, but I have to believe we will survive.. Gosh, is it November yet?

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