Saturday, August 30, 2008

Work has been very stressful lately, and not due to the actual clients which believe me in the wedding business can be a bit much. It is with a few of my bosses. One makes me feel smaller than dirt most of the time, never a kind word, judging my contracts. When I was hired it was take what we can, and then a good business came along for 2009, and the person who’s son is getting married is huge in the Hospitality Business, so it made since to accept the business.

The next is my General Manager who I like and respect as a Manager, but he has been treating me as if I suck and why am I even here, and I do not do enough for the company. I know it is not just me and maybe I am a bit sensitive.

My husband has taken a job here to ensure my success at work, and I feel people do not like that, even though he has been my lifesaver all summer, he is not as sensitive, but I take offense when his boss, sends nasty emails and talks behind his back as if and idiot and not 10x smarter than her.

The third is the worse, he is my superior, but I have absolutely no respect for him. He talks down to everyone, kissing the bosses butt so far, he supposedly can do ‘no’ wrong, he has offended a few of my clients, and gets some nasty comment cards, dresses like a slob even in a suit. He comes at me, and screams at me in front of people, then makes comments about my professionalism. He has had me in tears a few times, not that I have shown him, I go in the other room, why give him that satisfaction?

My direct boss actually watched him come barreling around the corner and screaming in my face, not that she said anything, my husband keeps telling me to stand up for myself but I do not think it would change anything. I do have every time it has happened documented, I have no idea why but it makes me feel better to write about it. One time, he called my house and yelled and screamed into my answering machine ruined my whole weekend, because my clients misunderstood something for rooms. He changes the rules for the rooms midway through our booking process.

I feel as if I am spinning my wheels, I have heard that the person before me, did not like all the fights between departments and the stress was too much, I now see what she is talking about, if you want good sales people, and hard workers you need to give them some encouragement and let other departments know they can not talk to other employees that way. Now, I am just keeping my mouth quiet, not bonding with anyone and just doing my job. I admit I keep my mouth shut because why cause trouble, and lose my job? I have no idea what I should do.

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