Monday, August 18, 2008

Its been almost a year since my friend Thomas passed away, it is amazing to me it is a year, since I got the news. I still can remember the screaming in my head, and almost collapsing at work. My friend Claudette and I talked about getting together, but I am so busy at work, it is not possible. So, now I am on line trying to find a girls weekend somewhere in New England for her birthday and mine in October when work will not be so crazy...

I wish I was planning it for the 3 of us, we went to Boston for my birthday a few years ago, and we had so much fun, we would all make a point at Christmas to see each other, even when I moved out of state, I would come back to Mystic, to see my family and friends. This last year, has been such a changing time for myself. After Thomas death, I worked so hard to get back to New England and after making it through a long, snowing winter in the backwoods of Maine, now that the resort is open, I think now in terms of when it is closing, 10 weeks by the way. My summer is over, I have 2 weddings this weekend, then next weekend another HIGH MAINTENCE Mother of Bride, and event after event for all these people starting August 30 - September 1, I am very much looking forward to September 1 afternoon.

When you are younger your summer seems to endless, but in the adult world and hospitality world, it is where is my next client coming in, so I can wow them and move on? Weddings bring back all my time with Thomas, and even though it is a year since his death, it still feels empty in my heart, and I miss him so much, I still pick up the phone to call him, when something happens that I think he would understand or at least put in prospective. As I get older, it is amazing to me, how many people I have lost that I really care about. I will always miss Thomas.

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