Monday, April 02, 2007

Week whatever, I think week 15 of my diet/exercise plan. I am so very frustrated, I have lost only 11lbs, my husband has lost 14lbs and he has not even exercised in almost a week and a half. What is going on? I have read the books, some say, don't drink anything cold when you eat it should be something "hot", or you only need # of Calories, or take this pill and exercise and it will work. PLEASE HELP ME !! I have for the past two weeks done it when you are to eat 5 or 6 small meals a day, because if you go all day without eating ( which I have tried), your body will store all the food when you actually eat. It is hard for me to eat that many meals not because of lack of time, it is just something I do not consciously think about.

I do not want to be unhealthy, and want to do this the correct way, for my health and to make sure the weight stays off, not comes back even more so than when I started this exercise program. It is very frustrating to myself and yes, my class reunion is in 3 months and I want to look the best I can look, do you remember when you are in your early 20's and you could party all night, get up go to work and not gain an once? Now, I look at a cookie it is on my hips in no time at all. Believe me, I do not miss my 20's but I would not mind have that metabolism back, or the good skin.

I went dress shopping this week, I hate store mirrors or better yet, I hate seeing myself in them. No, I did not buy anything but shoes for work, I am so not buying a new bathing suit this year, unless I lose alot more weight. Why is it when women age we feel everyone is judging us, but when men age they are better for it? Just something to throw out in the universe, dont worry I will be up again tomorrow at 6am doing my Turbo Jam, at least my arms are getting toned if nothing else.

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