Thursday, April 26, 2007

Bad day.. I got off track two weeks ago from my work out. Up until then for the last 3 months I have gotten up at 6am and worked out, but the last two weeks work has been crazy and the groups I had were "HIGH MAINTENCE", which means I had to be here the whole time, from 5am - 10pm at night. I started back working out on Monday an feel better, but it is hard once you cut down, I never stopped just instead of 5 days it was more like 2 or 3 days an instead of 45 minutes cardio with strength training it was 20 minutes cardio and 10 minutes ab work.

Why am I telling you? Because it is frustrating, I am still holding at a loss of 14 lbs, but I want it to be more, I have changed my eating habits, watch what I eat etc.. is it because I am 43 years old an should of done this sooner? I watch " Work Out" on Bravo and think wouldn't it be great to be a Trainer and help people better their lives inside an out? I of course, am in no way in shape enough to become a trainer but it is one of my dreams. I have asked alot of people in the past week, if you had your choice of jobs and you did not have to make money what would be your dream job?

My stock answer for years would of been, own a book/coffee store small in a great community. Like Key West, but lately if you asked me it would be to either be a trainer but not in a gym, go to peoples houses and help them or sit at the dock in Key West and sell people space on the boats. I want more time with my family, so I would want a position that does not take me away from that, an working in the Hotel business you are at the mercy of your clients. They do not care if you have had 2 or 3 programs that week and theirs is the last one, it is their only program an you need to be at your best for them as the others. In this business reputation is everything, when I was doing weddings it was more stressful, because if a meeting does not go perfect no one is going to really get so upset, but a wedding oh yeah!! IT is their one day, so I bring my dedication that I did for the brides to my corporate clients, they do appreciate it, but to me very tiring.

If you are thinking of working out, watch " Work Out" on Bravo, Jackie who owns SkyBar and now SkyLab is a force to reckon with, she really seems to care about her staff and clients. I think she would be tough lady to work for, but it would be worth it because you would learn so much from her. The Trainers are in themselves so different an I love watching them interact, they have lost one of their own a Doug Baldswell, who was the oldest at 43 years old, in incredible shape and seemed to be the nicest guy on the planet. I think my favorite trainer to watch is Brian Peeler an Jessie interact, because Jessie is a big drama Queen, an Brian likes to push his buttons.

Besides that it motivates me to get off my butt an work out again, instead of sitting watching TV. I get my motivation from that show and infommericals on tapes to work out, I work out to
"Turbo Jam", but am looking at the Hip Hop Abs and Power 90 Abs, we will see which I will pick, I already own the Firm tapes and Tae Bo, which are still in the boxes and never opened. It is not all about looking good, it is being healthy the older we get the harder it is, I like feeling good when I get up and not like a slug. My bouts with depression, seem to be under control without drugs when I work out and talk it through with my husband. How do you stay healthy?

1 comment:

DavidJ said...

Paula, I have the perfect answer for you. You've obviously heard of Beachbody because you mention some of the workouts. Well we are developing a new way to provide peer support for people that want to get into shape and create a business opprotunity at the same time. My email is and my Coach site for Million Dollar Body is

We are the truth in wieght loss and getting fit. There is no magic pill or machine. We help people learn to workout and eat right.

Look forward to hearing from you.

Independent Million Dollar Body Coach and Founder