Friday, April 20, 2007

I find it offensive that the Media keeps showing that tape the sicko made in the 2hours before hand killed more people.

Please let us know the victims not him, the families need comfort right now, not constant reminder of the idiot who ripped their lives apart on Monday. In Connecticut on the same day and time this was happening, Old Saybrook was preparing for something like this at their high school. They want to be prepared because lets be honest we are not.

You like to think when you send your child to school for the next 6- 8 hours they are safe and sound. You can go about your day, unless the school calls and says "sally is sick, come get her". Never would you think someone would go into a classroom an open fire, let us not forget PA, and the Amish school house, that wasn't even a student.

Gun control is not the answer, VT is in a GUN-FREE Zone, which means the people with guns know where it is safe to open fire and not get shot at, do GUN-FREE Zones work? Do more gun control laws work? NO!!! These are isolated incidents and the NRA is not to blame, no one is to blame but the Sicko's who did the killings. I know in this time of terrible tragedy, we as humans are trying to figure out WHY? What could we have done to prevent it?

The sad reality is, nothing really. If someone is out to destroy innocent people, themselves they will find a way no matter what the cost. This is not like Terroism this is individuals not a whole movement. My heart goes out to everyone at VT who was affected by these events, there is no where to put the blame except on (1) PERSON. As, a little thought where are his parents?

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