Sunday, April 29, 2007

Ok, this morning I am going to talk alittle about a store called "Levenger" is a store and an on-line where you buy tools for reading, writing and productivity. I can tell you during my honeymoon in March 2005 in Chicago, my husband ( nerd) took me to the store 3x, I did get a wonderful purse, he loves this store. He has a blog about getting organized in your life which is at If you need to get your life organized check it out and the other links that are on his blog.

"Levenger" is one of those stores that has everything displayed that you want to buy everything thinking it will get you organized, I have been to Franklin Covey stores, which I do have their planner but it is not as great as "Levenger" and the quality is up there, the prices too, but definately worth it. We have been to the one in Boston, MA and Chicago an both places the salespeople were very helpful an knowledgeable, do you remember a few days ago I asked what your ideal job would be? I believe in my heart if my husband could get a job with "Levenger" selling on line products for them or marketing he would be so excited. Combining his two favorite passions, organization products an the internet. Do you see why I call him a nerd?

I admit I do love my day timers an portfolios, I have my eye on one from Levenger but will need to save up for it, but believe it will be worth it. What do you use to organize your life?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you really want to get organized, start here: The Getting Things Done Lens, and my blog at HDBizBlog 1.2

There are a ton of resources and links to the best productivity sites on the web.