Thursday, September 13, 2007

Yesterday,was my 43rd birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! I took the day off from work and my husband and I spent the day together. Due to our work schedules we really only have (1) full day off together and that is Sunday's.

He made me breakfast of Pancakes and Bacon YUM!! Something we usually only reserve for one Sunday a month, so not healthy. Then we went for a long drive to explore our city. We found some new stores and such. We have been here a year now and really only go to certain areas because they are familiar, now that we might be moving up north it seems time to really see where we have been living for the last year.

Winston-Salem, has some wonderful areas, I love the Historic Area, with the houses and porches, restaurants etc. Maine is calling me, more now since Thomas passed. Life is so short, you need to be where you happiest, and closest to the people you love. I fly up on Friday night, my interview is Saturday morning, so the rest of the day is for my mom an I ( mommy and me day) even though I am a grown woman. My mom an I have always gotten along well, my sisters get a bit jealous, but I think it is because they have preconceived notions on how a mom should act, I just know my mom an love her dearly, especially her quirkiness.

It is amazing to me, I am 43, sometimes I still feel as if I am just out of college. September has always been a beginning for me, because of school, but when you are out of school, it still feels that way to me. Every time I have moved it has been end of August, beginning of September. Even this position, makes me want to start right away, because September is half over, silly I know, does anyone else feel that way? I also, wish my mom still took me school shopping for new clothes, to me that was the best. Granted back then in the 70' an 80's your wardrobe was never complete without a stop to Marcus's on Bank Street in New London, CT to get your LEVI'S. Are LEVI's still in fashion? I know I can not wear them now, because I am a bit bigger than my size 5 frame from High School.

Now, Jean shopping not so much fun, it takes a long time to find just the right pair that fits, feels comfortable and not like a big fat pig. I have 1 pair of jeans now, an they are too long for me, but they look great everywhere else. I am going to wear them this weekend up in Maine, because I CAN!! Down here it is still 90' so you really do not want to put a pair of jeans on with a sweater, like in the North for the FALL.

Changes since I was growing up:
We all know the basics, Berlin Wall Came Down, Cold War Ended ( or did it), China.

How about the not so basic, Gay/Lesbian Marriages Legal in more states than just Vermont.

A woman ran for Vice President of the US, lost but it was a big step. Next Election may have a Woman run for President of the US, if she wins she will not only be the 1st woman elected President of the US, her husband will be the first husband an former president himself. How will Bill Clinton due in his wife's shadow?

9/11/2001 will go down in History!!
Obvious changes are the styles, hair, electronics. Growing up, I remember when we got our first microwave, video games were Atari and it was exciting to play table tennis on the TV with just two lines back an forth. Cellphones were huge! I mean in size no one really had one, unless you had money. Pay phones were everywhere, where are they now? Even in "Clueless" she used a payphone to call her brother to pick her up an that was the 90's.

The movie phone booth, are there any phone booths anymore besides in a airport? Computers took up so much space, an you could not exactly carry it with you on an airplane. You could smoke in an airplane and airport without restitution. Non-Smoking sections in a restaurant were the worst an in the back of restaurants in about 3 tables. I think it is amazing how fast the world changes, look around an see what 3 things are different from when you were a child.

1 comment:

Suburban prep said...

I am a year and 2 days older. I have a hard time believing that I am 44.
Hubby took the day off of work on the 10th and we just spent the day together.
Hope it was a good one.