Thursday, September 20, 2007

I have moved every year since I met my husband which would be 2003. I hate moveing, acquiring boxes, packing/labeling them and of course, trying to figure out if you need that item you have moved from place to place for years that stays in a box or you keep in the closet because what are you going to do with it? You would think with all the moving my husband an I would have "purged" everything we do not want, but I am a pack rat from way back.

Since, I am going two weeks ahead of my husband, I am sure he will be unloading things he knows we do not need, an if I don't see it I can't really be all that upset now can I? I am hoping that this next move will keep us for atleast two years until we can "BUY" our first home. People at my work are very supportive, the housekeeping and kitchen are keeping me in boxes YEAH!! I know that we need them, but sitting in my car is really not achieving the point of actually packing now is it?

At my class reunion, I made it sound so wonderful how many times we change places, jobs etc, when really I am a person who likes to settle down. I talk big, an love to travel to different places but I want a place I can call home, where my stuff is an not in some storage area. I am afraid our stuff when it gets to Maine will have to be in a Storage area for a bit, until we find the right place for us to settle, which means living with mom. I soooo do not want to do that, I will if it will save us some money an work itself out for a bit.

Of course, alot of my co-workers think of Maine under snow from October - May , sometimes I am sure but the last two winters they did not get snow until February where my mom is in Naples, Maine. It is on the Coast and further south. I am sure our first winter up there will be snowy an cold. Would it be any other way? We are now digging out our winter clothes that have been put away for the last two years, we have not needed them down here. I am sure when I am shoveling out the Jeep for the ZILLIONITH Time, I will be wondering why I ever left North Carolina.

I have two more weeks of work, then I am off. My stress level is at a 6.5, by October 5 it will be a 10 if not higher, because I HATE MOVING...Starting a new job is stressful enough, but moving too? And, so far from where we are now.

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