Tuesday, February 26, 2013

We are homeless!! Living in a hotel until we find a place in our new area...

This weekend, started off great, then ended badly. On Saturday, I had the whole day by myself got my hair done and nails,and even had my eyebrows waxed.  Then Stephen came up from Wolfeboro and stayed with me, on Sunday we got up early and here was the plan and then what actually happened.

Sunday- we were going to finish loading truck, according to Stephen 2 hours topped left to load, have our landlord look at the place and hopefully get our deposit back. Then come back to Hanover, and unload truck.

Good plan right? Well, sounds good in theory.  First off, the truck was suppose to come up on Saturday and start unloading and finish Sunday morning. 

We have way too much stuff!!! Stephen started loading on Friday and we did not finish loading until 2pm on Sunday. As, we were driving to Wolfeboro on Sunday morning, the snow was getting worse and worse, and we knew no way could we drive back up to Hanover on Sunday.

It took 3.5 hours to get from Hanover to Wolfeboro on a clear day 2 hours tops..  So, we stayed in Wolfeboro on Sunday night and I did not work on Monday.  Again, we were thinking of leaving around 9an and I could make it to work at noon and leave Stephen alone to unload.  Well, due to only 2nd week and talking to my boss, it would not be fair to Stephen. So I had day off!

Due to we were not prepared to stay over on Sunday, we had no clean clothes!  As we were ready to leave Wolfeboro, I somehow locked the keys and the back up keys in the car and had to wait 1 hour for someone to come and open the car, which by the way was running. Someone did not want us to leave Wolfeboro. 

We finally made it to Lebanon at the Storage area at 120pm, and then it took a good 40 minutes of paperwork, and tour to finally begin unloading.  We finished at 632pm, so tiring! 3 storage sheds and not next to each other, so after unloading into our big one, then moving to the 2nd one which is in the basement and you need to use a coverter belt to get it down there, scares me to think of how we are going to empty it.  At 5pm we realized we need (1) more shed.   The place closes at 7pm and I did not want to pay for another day of the truck!! 

Came back to hotel took showers and ordered take out.  Came to work today and Stephen went out job hunting, laundry and looking at places to live.  I feel I have let people down for missing a day because of snow if they had driven it and seen 140 they would understand.

So, beginning 2nd week of work and nervous as helll!!! 

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