Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ok, so this is where we are moving, I am going up on Sunday and Stephen will follow a week later, once he packs up our apartment here in Wolfeboro NH.

This is the Upper Valley of New Hampshire, right on the Connecticut River.
This is the Main Street of the Town, the Hotel is right on this street, looking forward to new challenges and meeting new people. I wish we had found a place before I started work, but it is what it is, and now that we will be up here hopefully it will be easier to find a place.
Here is Dartmouth Green under the Snow, so pretty either way!  Of Course, we are moving in the Snow, we seem to always move either in HOT! August or Dead of Winter.
What will our new place bring us? Stephen is excited to find a job, he really wants to either waiter or Bartend and not manage a restaurant again, I am happy to see him out meeting people instead of being in the house all day by himself.

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