Friday, October 28, 2011

Ok, so we are in the middle of the World Series, and last Friday I took some wonderful fall pictures, and last night it snowed! What is that? Now being from New England there is an old wives tale, if it snows before winter, that is how many storms you will have throughout the winter.. Seriously?

Well a number of years ago, I was in a car accident due to a snow storm on Nov 15 and we had 20 something storms that winter, so it was kind of right with a little more...

Monday is Halloween and I do remember as a child bundling up to go trick or treating and being upset that no one could really see my outfit. Tomorrow I will be on a Boat for a Halloween party it is going to be cold, I don't care if anyone sees my outfit I want to be warm, how times have changed. On Monday, I will be hanging out on my street watching the kids, giving out candy and drinking jello shots with the adults... Fun !! Pleasant Street, Wolfeboro, NH

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