Sunday, October 30, 2011

October 30, 2011: Yes last night it snowed! I can not remember a snowfall so early then before Halloween!

This was our driveway, the plower came right after this picture and my husband shoveled out our stairway and walk way. Our neighbors were not up so early so besides having the snow on their cars then the plow basically plowed them into their spots.

Today, I got tickets for "Little Shop of Horrors", the husband is not going to like it but will go for me..

We were up early, so I could go into work and make sure my staff was there for the breakfast and Lunch group, my staff stayed over at the hotel so that was perfect. Made sure the Master Invoice is all set for when they are ready to leave... Rest of the day is us, only 8am and up and ready to have a great day.

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