Monday, October 05, 2009

Its fall, and it is beautiful up here in NH. We went to "Chowderfest" yesterday,
I do know about the fact it was for charity, but we still lost the competition. I am not all that competitive, but we didn't even place. Then we came home and had a nice early evening together.

The husband had to go into work, due to someone not coming into work, My heart says it will be only for a little while, but my head knows that once you step into the restaurant you are pretty stuck for hours. I am in no way mad at him, just disappointed due to the fact even though we work together, we never see each other.

I miss my husband, he does seem very happy about working at the restaurant, he was born to be in the industry that he walked away from 4 years ago. I have to just suck it up.

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