Thursday, July 26, 2012

Today, is a blue day for me!  I just can not feel motivated to either do my work or do go out of my way to help people. Not a good thing for someone who is in the customer service industry. If I could just stay in my office all day and not have to deal  with clients and I might make it through the day.

The husband is in Illnois, his grandmother passed away and he is out there for the funeral and to be there for his mom.  I wish I could of gone with him, but at this time of year it is really impossible for me to leave work for any length of time, which just stinks.

He is being strong for his family but I know he is sad and needs support himself. He said, he made a speech at the memorial service last night to represent the grandchildren, due to he being the oldest. He thinks he did bad, but I am sure since it was from the heart it was wondeful.  It made me remember Thomas funeral and how I broke down trying to speak,  I truly miss him everyday.

Work has been quite tough right now, an I wonder if it is just me that is making it harder than it has to be?  I need to snap out of it an bring my A-Game.  Just sometimes it sucks to have to play the corporate game, my boss stole one of my pieces of business and put in her name when it is reversed I do not do that, I make sure it goes under her name.

Well back to work!!

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