Friday, January 13, 2012

This is what my street looked like yesterday morning.  Up here in NH it really has not snowed since Halloween, a little dusting on Christmas but this is so much better. Personally, I do not like shoveling or driving in the snow, but business wise, we need this.  We also need the lake to freeze so the people come for the cross country skiing and the ice fishing.

Today, it was raining so now the snow is mushy and when we leave work today it will be slick. Normally, it is nice to stay inside and snuggle, watch tv eat great meals, but due to a mess up with my paychecks in December, we are playing catch up with bills, so basically I am working for a paycheck not working for fun or life.

It has been really hard on the husband, his business is starting to pick up but it slowed down in November and did not exist in December, so we ended 2011 harshly, eating burgers ( yes broke)..

Once, the first paycheck hits in February we should be back on track, so as I watch the snow fall I try to remember that it is only for another 6 weeks, we can survive.....

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