Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I am angry.. First thing I am upset about is the town outside of Boston, who did nothing for this poor girl who committed suicide because of bullying, why did the school after knowing what was happening help this poor girl?

Those 9 kids lives are over, well at least your alive are you proud of yourselves for what you did to this poor girl? I have no sympathy for you...

The 3 judges in the 4th district court who charged the father whose son's funeral was protested, are you just stupid? Yes, 1st amendment rights, but why charge him as if he has not lost enough for the country?

The Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) is an Independent Baptist church and hate group known for its hatred of gays.[1][2][3] It is headed by Fred Phelps and located in Topeka, Kansas, United States. Its first public service was held on the afternoon of Sunday, November 27, 1955.[4]

Yes, this is the group who protested funerals, what kind of people are you? Oh, yeah Racist...

GIve me a break when someone disagrees with Obama's plans we are racist, it can't be just because we disagree with what the government is doing, it really is big brother time, 20 years later than the book but all the same isn't it.

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