Saturday, September 24, 2011

RANT: I am going to rant at the moment, work well my husband was the F & B manager here and left two weeks ago, he loves it. I have found out since he left the person who he brought in and thought was his ally was the one forcing him out, bad mouthing him to the GM, and basically just making sure he looked bad. Well, since he has been gone, I have found this out, and she throws him under the bus every chance she gets, I just keep my mouth shut, but have caught her in lies, and manipulation today was a prime example. His replacement is not blind, we will see how this plays out. I want her gone, but I am right now sitting back and letting her hang her self, and call her out or at least point out every single mistake. Don't mess with a woman's husband and think there is not pay back....

Today, she threw one of her supervisors under the bus, he was so mad, he called the GM and told him he does not appreciate it and will not take it. She obviously, feels threatened, after talking to the staff, they all are scared of her, because she is so close to the GM, and she is a manipulative crazy b****, how long before the GM realizes he made a mistake? Well he is a democrat so he most likely will not admit it even if the realizes it. I want to file a complaint but guess what his wife is the HR Director for the company, so for me, it is best to sit back and CYA my own butt and make sure he knows every screw up she does...

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